We have a very exciting brand new free training opportunity which will help you have conversations about mental health and emotional wellbeing in the context of working around cancer.   The training sessions have been designed by the Royal Society for Public Health in collaboration with Health Education England and Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance.   We have secured 15 places for Answer Cancer Champions and people who have been on Answer Cancer training.  At the end of the programme, you will receive a certificate of Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

More details can be found here.

We have broken down the day-training into three shorter sessions to make it more accessible.  They will be delivered online.

There is a strict limit of 15 places, so sign up quickly to secure yours.

Please note.  This training is 3x 3-hour sessions. You must complete all three of them.

  • Session 1: Wednesday 2nd March 12-3pm
  • Session 2: Wednesday 9th March 12-3pm
  • Session 3: Monday 14th March 9.30am-12.30pm


To Sign up, click here
