As we get to grips with the impact of Coronavirus on Answer Cancer, we just wanted to share with you some information and updates from the project.

Just before the outbreak of Coronavirus had such a big impact on our lives, we launched the latest round of the Answer Cancer Fund, which offers grants to organisations holding events and recruiting Cancer Champions. Rather than cancel this grant round and deprive organisations of funding when they need it the most, we have adjusted the criteria and opened it up to different types of activity. We are now asking applicants to consider different approaches to keeping people and communities connected using digital technology, mobile phones or other methods.

Following government advice, we cancelled two events planned for 24th March, a stakeholder session and a Cancer Champions Get Together. We are now looking at alternative ways to deliver these sessions and will share this information as soon as possible.  We are also looking to deliver more of our training and services online and digitally so please bear with us whilst we get those up and running.


In the current climate and due to the extra pressures on our health service, we understand NHS cancer screening in Greater Manchester has been suspended (please see here). We will share any news on when these might resume as soon as we receive that. However, if you have any symptoms or concerns we urge you to please contact your GP as normal.

We know that many people affected by cancer, especially those currently undergoing treatment, will be particularly concerned about how they will be effected, so please do read and share the following links:

Thank you and please take care.

The Answer Cancer Team
